This is a new resource created by dxw – your feedback (opens in a new tab) will help us to improve it.

Contributing to the dxw Accessibility Manual

The dxw Accessibility Manual is public and anyone, inside or outside of dxw, can suggest changes to it. This means you!

If you know how to suggest changes using GitHub, the repository is available at

If you don’t know how to use GitHub, you can suggest changes using our content management system, Netlify CMS, which does things on GitHub for you.

What you’ll need to suggest a change #

You will need a GitHub account. If you don’t already have one, then sign up at

You do not need to be added to the dxw GitHub organisation to be able to suggest changes.

Suggesting a change to an existing page #

  1. On the page you want to edit, select the yellow ‘Edit this page’ link

Or if you prefer to use the admin backend directly, choose the page you want to change from the backend under ‘Collections’.

  1. Log in with your GitHub account

  2. Select ‘fork the repo’ if you are asked whether you want to fork the repo

  3. Make your edits in the ‘Rich Text’ editor

  4. Select ‘Save’ at the top of the page

  5. Select ‘Status: Draft’ and choose ‘In review’

Creating a new page #

  1. From the most relevant ‘parent’ for the new page, select the yellow ‘Add a new page here’ link

Or if you prefer to use the admin backend directly, choose the page you want to change from the backend.

Find the appropriate section under ‘Collections’ and select the ‘New’ button.

  1. Log in with your GitHub account

  2. Select ‘fork the repo’ if you are asked whether you want to fork the repo

  3. Make your edits in the ‘Rich Text’ editor

  4. Select ‘Save’ at the top of the page

  5. Select ‘Status: Draft’ and choose ‘In review’

Reviewing changes #

After a few minutes, you should be able to view a preview of the Accessibility Manual with your changes by clicking on the URL next to ‘😎 Browse the preview’. Your suggested changes will not be live yet. Your suggestions should be available to view on the GitHub Pull Requests page.

Everyone’s suggested changes that are being reviewed are publicly available. Anyone can publicly comment on a suggested change. Only GitHub accounts that have been added to the dxw GitHub organisation and staff team can ‘merge’ a pull request and make it live. If you are not on this list and want to be, please email with your GitHub username.

To see the suggested changes, you can click the ‘Files changed’ tab to see lines of text that have been removed (in red) and lines of text that have been added (in green). Alternatively you can click on the URL next to ‘😎 Browse the preview’ to see what the Accessibility Manual will look like if this change is accepted.

Anyone can comment on a pull request, and the more voices the better. It’s suggested that you contact one or two people specifically who you think would be good to review your changes, or alternatively ask in the #dxw-accessibility-manual slack channel.

Things you need a developer for #

Not everything related to content is self-serve (yet). There are a few things that still rely on someone getting up close and personal with the codebase behind this website. We will update this page with more detailed information on how to contribute to the manual.